Parellels For Mac Drive Mounter Can't Get Read Write Access


Can't mount EFI is my problem. I have to boot Yosemite with the inject kexts, on the Clover bootloader screen, by hitting space bar and then using the arrows to go down to boot with inject kexts. If I don't do that I get a black screen with a white apple logo and a progress bar that goes half way and stops.

This guide is rather fool-proof, but it involves messing with /sbin system directory, so remember, you're doing it at your own risk. Pc games available for mac. Big thanx to danielj7 and asstolavista from ntfs-3g forum for inspiration. Sudo apt get on mac. Without them, this won't be possible.

Also I`d like to thank antoinef and Cliffton Beach for some really usefull comments in this thread that led to revision 2 of the Guide, and Greg134 for showing a simple solution to script problems with removable drives and spaces in partition name. Revision 2.1 1. Download and install package, then reboot. Download and install package. Download to your Desktop, then double click it, to extract the archive. The same file is attached at the end of this post, just in case.

Run Terminal from /Applications/Utilities Folder 5. Type cd ~/Desktop 6. Type sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.old 7.

Type in your password when requested and press Enter 8. Type sudo cp mount_ntfs /sbin/ 9. Type sudo chown root:wheel /sbin/mount_ntfs 10.

Type sudo chmod 555 /sbin/mount_ntfs 11. Reboot After reboot, your NTFS drives should be mounted with read/write permissions automatically. If you remount unmouned drives through Disc Utility, or plug in additional NTFS drives, they will be mounted with read/write permissions also. Additional info for multilingual users If you have files with names in languages, other then english, on your NTFS drives, they won't be shown by default.

To see such files, you must slightly edit the file extracted from the downloaded archive. You can edit it with TextEdit while its still on your desktop, or after completing the guide by typing 'sudo nano /sbin/mount_ntfs'.

Here's what should be inside the file by default. O volname='$VOLNAME' With RED color, I highlited the locale section, where you can change your locale. I, myself, have files with names in Russian, so I use ru_RU locale to see these files. To see a list of locales, installed in your system, open Terminal and type locale -a. There is a chance, that after the folders with names in other languages appear, you won't be able to open files from them. In that case, just rename the folder once, and rename it back.

Mac OS X will write the folder name in correct encoding and all files will open after this. Restoring default NTFS mounter In case anything went wrong, just run Terminal, type sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs.old /sbin/mount_ntfs and enter your password. Please report success and failures in this thread if you try this method.

To restore deafult mounter you need to do what I wrote in restore section of the guide, and then reboot. It should help, if you followed the guide, because on step 12, you do a backup of your default ntfs mounter, and in restore section of the guide, you just copy the default, backed-up mounter over new one. If it doen't help, please run Terminal and type the following: nano /sbin/mount_ntfs If it shows you some unreadable stuff, that means, that your default ntfs mounter is back in place and mounting drives through Disk Utility should work. If it shows you the contents of the script you copied, it means restore didn't work for some reason. Please report if youre succesfull with restoration or making ntfs automount work. I got problema of the next kind: I successfully install the latest mucfuse & ntfs-3g from their google's site, all ntfs drives mount correctly, read-and-write - all 100%.