Best Mac Computer Setup For Video Editing


Eps viewer for mac. Luckily, you can manually configure a PostScript printer, even if you don't own one. Unfortunately, it is a little convoluted, but it does work. If you already have a PostScript printer, skip down to the next section • Open the Printer Setup Utility (Applications → Utilities → Printer Setup Utility). Adding a PostScript Printer This hack requires that you have a PostScript printer driver configured in Mac OS X. Most high quality laser printers are PostScript printers, most cheap ink jets are not.

Nowadays that virtually all music recording has gone digital The first question on every musician’s mind when first starting out with music production is: Which computer should I get? Though as I’m sure you already know, there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer. Docker install mac. Because depending on factors such as: • budget • processing speed • portability YOUR ideal option might be completely different from someone else’s. Which is why for today’s post, I end to show you everything you need to know to find the perfect computer/laptop for YOUR setup.

So let’s begin. First up Laptops vs. Desktops More and more these days, as technology becomes increasingly “ mobile“ Desktop computers are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Yet for music recording, they’re still what all the pros continue to use.

Here’s why: • They’re generally faster – their larger housing offers room for maximum processing power to meet the high demands of today’s and plugins. • They have more IN’s/OUT’s – which allow you to incorporate larger, more sophisticated routings to keep up with your ever-growing setup. • They offer greater customization – which let’s you add more RAM, extra hard drives, additional video cards, and moreas necessary.

Just like the best video card for video editing depends greatly on the software, your computer choices depends mostly on your software preference. As MAC users, we can definitely recommend the Mac Pro as the best computer for video editing and multimedia. If you want a PC, then you.

• They solve the noise problem – by allowing you to keep the tower (noisy) in a separate room for your. Despite all these advantages, the ONE thing that desktop computers lack isPORTABILITY. And in today’s world of DJ’s and mobile studios, the portability of a laptop is a MUST.

Plussince most of us use a laptop for school/work anyway, it eliminates the need for 2 separate purchases. Now at this point, I’ll assume you’ve already decided whether a desktop or laptop computer is right for you. So let’s move on.

Up next Mac vs. PC Want to know the easiest way to piss-off a recording geek?

Here’s what you do: If he uses a PC in his studio, tell him Macs are better. If he uses a Mac, tell him PC’s are better. Because for some strange reason, this topic incites violent debatesthat last forever, and result in no real conclusions. In fact, I absolutely HATE giving my opinion on this topic.


But here it is anyway: Personally, I like Macs. Not just for recording, but for everything. And these days, most of the music world (and the rest of the world) agrees. If YOU agree as wellget a Mac. So why a PC then? It’s usually 1 of 3 reasons: • Price – Macs are usually more expensive than PC’s, and not everyone can afford them. • Customization – computer nerds typically prefer PC’s, since they are much easier to modify/supercharge.

• Windows – some people just like the Windows OS. If none of these 3 things apply to youget a Mac. But whichever side you choose, just know that tons of great music has been created on either one, and this topic isn’t nearly as important as some might have you believe. Assuming you’ve made your decisionlet’s move on.

Up next Mac Desktops With Mac desktops, you have 3 options: • Mac Pro • iMac • Mac Mini Now here’s how they compare: First, there’s the Mac Pro. For studio recording, there’s probably nothing better.

Peek your head into any pro studioand odds are, that’s what you’ll find. However The truth is: for most of us, a Mac Pro would simply be overkill. So next upthe iMac. While not nearly as powerful, the iMac is much more practical for a typical beginner’s setup, as it combines the computer and monitor into a single device.