Docker For Mac Memory Leak


I have been trying with Docker beta on Mac OS and was facing an issue with docker-compose. It was taking ages for the docker-compose commands to get executed. After digging into a while I figured out that the dns lookup was causing the issues. Docker-compose is trying to resolve localunixsocket.local. You can get insight into the dns lookup by running sudo tcpdump -A -s0 -nni en0 port 53 For now I've pointed localunixsocket.local to localhost in my /etc/hosts. Now everything is speedy again.

Oct 31, 2018 - This is consistent between restarts of Mac and Docker. Someone needs to take a closer look, than saying -- 'Memory leak.

Installing mac memory

To do the same, you need to edit /etc/hosts file and add the contents: localunixsocket.local Hope someone finds this useful Subscribe to Today I learned Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.

I’m using a gentoo-based image to compile some C++ libraries. Macbook pro for photo editing. When I run certain make commands using the image, the memory of com.docker.hyperkit shoots up to the multi-gigabyte range and I get config errors along the lines of [ 0%] Performing configure step for 'libuv' + libtoolize + aclocal -I m4 Out of memory! I’ve gotten similar errors with an ubuntu-based image as well. This is reproducible for me in the sense that I can delete all of my containers, images, and volumes, build the image from scratch, delete the contents of the build directory, and still get the same error. I’ve tried with both Docker for Mac beta and stable. My suspicion is that this could be related to the size of the volume that I’m mounting - it’s got several C++ dependencies, including boost, so a very large number of files.

We go to the bottom of our document (preferably in a blank page) and then we select the References Tab. How to get document title on ribbon ms word for mac If we are not satisfied with the available styles that are shown in the drop down menu, at the bottom of the menu we can select the command Insert Table of Contents. At the left side of the ribbon is the area Table of Contents, where we select the command Table of Contents and from the drop down menu we can select one of the available styles of Table of Contents as we can see at the image below. Then a new window will open named Table of Contents, were we can edit one of the available Table of Contents or to choose another format for the Table of Content. Step 3: Now that we applied different heading styles to our document, it is time to create the Table of Contents.

However, even if the entire contents of the volume were stored in memory it wouldn’t account for the memory usage I’m seeing for com.docker.hyperkit. Note I can run this same build script on a linux host with docker and it works fine. Below is my current docker info. I can try to provide more but I’m not familiar enough with docker to know what might be useful unless someone asks for it. I can try to find a minimal reproducible example - this is a little tricky because it’s part of a fairly complex build script for something proprietary.