Docker For Mac Unikernel


Docker, Inc is the company behind development of Docker (software), an open-source project that automates the deployment of code inside software containers. Docker, Inc had over 423 employees in 2015 and is based in San Francisco, California [1]. Unikernel technologies, specifically the libraries, are applicable in many ways (e.g. The recent Docker for Mac and Windows products). However, unikernels themselves can enable new categories of products. One of the most prominent products is a network security tool called CyberChaff, based on.

Docker unikernel runner for Mirage OS UPDATE February 2018 Docker unikernel runner was a nice experiment, but I am no longer developing or maintaining this code. This repository is now archived, feel free to fork it. END UPDATE This is an experimental unikernel runner for running unikernels in Docker containers. Currently the following Mirage OS targets are supported: • unix: UNIX userspace using the direct network stack. • ukvm: Mirage OS/ using ukvm as the hypervisor. • qemu, kvm ( experimental): Mirage OS/ using software emulation ( qemu) or QEMU/KVM ( kvm) as the hypervisor.

Quick start with a Mirage application You will need docker (obviously) and make to drive the top-level build process. The build itself is all run in containers so there are no other host requirements.

• Clone this repository, run make. This will build the mir-runner and mir-runner-qemu base images. • Place somewhere in your $PATH.

• In the directory containing your built Mirage application, run build HYPERVISOR -t my-unikernel, where HYPERVISOR is one of the supported targets (see note). • Run the unikernel with run --rm -ti my-unikernel. Note: If you're using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, then you will only be able to run images built for the qemu HYPERVISOR locally. Detailed instructions This section covers more about how runner works, including how to manually build your own unikernel images without the docker-mirage wrapper script. Building To build the runner and all example containers, run: make tests See the Makefiles under the tests/ directory for an example of how to manually build unikernel images. Running the example containers Use make run-tests to run all tests available on your host.

The Mirage/Solo5 tests require KVM and access to /dev/kvm. Mirage OS/unix Two containers which build Mirage OS samples from the mirage-skeleton repository are included, mir-stackv4 and mir-static_website.

Each is run as a normal Docker container, however you must pass /dev/net/tun to the container and run with the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability. Virtual mac os for windows. For example: docker run -ti --rm --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN mir-stackv4 CAP_NET_ADMIN and access to /dev/net/tun are required for runner to be able to wire L2 network connectivity from Docker to the unikernel. Runner will drop all capabilities with the exception of CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE before launching the unikernel.

Mirage OS/Solo5 To run the mir-stackv4 sample using ukvm as a hypervisor: docker run -ti --rm --device=/dev/kvm:/dev/kvm --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN mir-stackv4-ukvm In addition to the requirements for the unix target, access to /dev/kvm is required. Known issues • () Network delays due to random MAC address use. Workaround is: sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.docker0.arp_accept=1.

• qemu and kvm support is experimental, currently uses Debian to build the containers due to unknown issues with the Alpine toolchain.