Google Photos Desktop Uploader For Mac

Google Photos automatically uploads photos from your phone, but it also has desktop uploaders for Windows and Mac OS X. You can also drag-and-drop folders from your desktop to, and they’ll be uploaded instantly.

Google the new Photos service with unlimited storage for smartly organizing and arranging the photo collections. In addition to making it a standalone Android app, has now also released a Desktop Uploader app to help you add the photos on your computer to the Photos storage. The Desktop Uploader app is available for the Windows and Mac platform for automatically uploading the images once set up.

Photos does upload all your images but do note that it uses a compression method to accommodate all those images. For example, if you have uploaded a 5MB image, it will be shrunk to about one fifth of the original size. If you wish to have original quality, you will have to select “Original” upload option from the initial settings, but that only applies to photos of up to 16MP resolution. Videos can be of up to 1080p resolution.

I am a user of Photos for OSX, after upgrading from iPhoto. I am trying to use Google's photo service to backup my library from my Mac Mini. How to use my passport for mac on windows. I have installed the Google Desktop Uploader application from the site. The application does not seem to allow me to select my Photos library in the preferences as it is grayed out.

If I select the 'Pictures' parent folder, the application does not find my photos and they are not uploaded. My Photos library resides on the internal drive in my mini, and is about 131GB in size. I wasn't sure if this was possible, but I'm please to report that it is, and I'm going to use it myself. The trick is to understand that Photos Library.photoslibrary is a Package File that Google Photos Backup doesn't know how to see inside. However, Finder does. So, right click on Photos Library.photoslibrary (normally inside your Pictures folder) and select Show Package Contents.

All of your pictures are inside of Masters, organized by date added (however note that any edits you made in Apple Photos are not included; these are the original images). Now, run Google Photos Backup and click Add to select the folder. Drag the Masters folder into the File Dialog: Now click Choose, and you've succeeded in getting the Google Photos Backup to look inside the Apple Photo package. You may want to unclick the other watched folders, since Apple Photo should already be importing all images. I just figured this out, so I'll update if I find any downsides. Since Google Photos is completely free for the High Quality images (as opposed to Original resolution), it will be interesting to compare the two services.