How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac


Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Missing Calendar Control Calendar Control - for one reason or another, this is not part of the basic VBA form component kit. Microsoft manages Calendar Control in a separate way, in an own.ocx package - it is usually installed with Microsoft Office.

Why does the picture in the userform not display - it works fine when I step through in debug mode and the userform plus picture displays on the statement. It also seems that the standard excel process of loading the spreadsheet is going on in parallel and finishes before the Auto_Open statement executes so the existing windows of the workbook will display before the splashscreen is loaded.

Open source alternative to visio for mac When you upgrade your Office version to the new Office 2010 you can face several compatibility problems. After reading this error message: “Could not load an object because it is not available on this machine” you need to find out what is the problem.

( MANCA = MISSING and in some versions, Calendar Control had local name.) Now it is clear that the missing mscal.ocx, the Calendar Control is the problem. We googled for a solution and soon found this on Microsoft TechNet ( ) “Calendar control (mscal.ocx) is removed in Access 2010 and is not usable for Excel 2010. Instead, users can use Date Picker or their own custom calendar controls.” So, we have tried Date Picker, and our experience is that it is not easy to use in existing applications.

The property and event structure is different from the Calendar Control. In most of the cases it also needs to be installed (it does not exits in Excel 2007). There are some hack-kind solutions for the 32-bit version Office (by installing the old mscal.ocx on each workstation where you want to use your application) but at the moment 64-bit version of the.ocx does not exist. Maybe never will. So, what can we do?

We can cook one! Ingredients: • 41 buttons and label boxes • 2 pieces of combo boxes • 8 piece of label box • Approx. 1300 row VBA code Take a Class module, put most of the VBA code into it. Mix it with your application. Take out the decayed items, replace it with the new, freshly-cooked one, served in a simple frame! All of your applications will easily digest it!

Now, seriously. We build the control as a class using the very basic elements (buttons, combo boxes, label box) for avoid the problem of compatibility. (Knock on wood!) So, we developed a non-ActiveX, non-MSCAL.OCX dependent calendar class for VBA UserForms. It means you do not need to install anything. (It use only the MSFORMS.OCX, ) Our Calendar Class will be part of your application.

In case you share your file with anyone else, it will work on his/her computer without any system changes. The only thing to do is to migrate the Calendar Class into your existing application, and use it in your future projects. It was a huge project, a tremendous thing for us. We spent approx.

20 days with it, mainly the late-night hours. The team-work was very effective, rousing and funny - we really enjoyed it! We are stopping now at version 50 - this works well for almost all of the cases. If you see any problem or inconvenience please do not hesitate to contact us!

You can find the files at the bottom of this page. Authors: Calendar Class Project The concept Our Calendar Class works in all version of Office VBA (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook) In the below tables you can find all of the Parameters of the Calendar Class. To ensure compatibility, parameter names are exactly the same as it was in the Calendar Control. Our goal was to create only one Class module to make the users easier to import and migrate the new Calendar Class.

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How to load a userform in excel vba

The original Calendar Control is an ActiveX Control, has to be referenced in the project, and it can be added to the from via the component toolbox. The Calendar Class itself can not be added directly to the form, we need to put it to the source, as a new member of the form (top of the source page, before any subs or functions). The Calendar functionality is built up from buttons, so the grid-related properties can not work. Development experiences The aim of the project was to create a Class with exactly the same properties, methods and events as it is in the Calendar Control.

We decided to use buttons to represent the days. It turned out soon that this solution does not allow to create a small sized calendar because the position of button caption is pre-defined within the button. So we changed the concept a bit and put label boxes behind the buttons.