How To Decrease Powerpoint File Size For Mac Powerpoint


If you are working on a large PowerPoint presentation that presents multiple slides in a slideshow, the PowerPoint file grows in size with every picture you add. Canon download software for printer. Attempt to send the final slideshow via email or upload it to a Web server and you quickly realize the file is too large. To decrease file size, you must compress the PowerPoint slideshow. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to compress the images and then archive the slideshow. Fortunately, PowerPoint gives you the option to compress all pictures in your presentation and also crop them.

How To Decrease Powerpoint File Size For Mac Powerpoint

In this tutorial, you will learn how to reduce a Powerpoint file size Powerpoint presentations can at times become rather large. Especially if you have included lots of graphics, audio and the number one space killer, video. These large files are not ideal if our desire is to share the presentation via email or the web. In just a few simple steps, we can reduce the file size in order to make sharing much more efficient.

Under the “File” menu select “Reduce File Size” Under the “Picture Quality” dropdown menu you have several options to reduce the overall file size of your presentation. Best for printing at 220 ppi (Pixels Per Inch) is the largest file size, followed by Best for viewing on screen at 150 ppi and Best for sending in e-mail at 96 ppi – the smallest file size.

Go ahead and select “Best for sending in e-mail (96 ppi)” Ensure “Remove cropped picture regions” is selected and press “OK” You have now successfully reduced the file size of your powerpoint presentation!

Excel 2016 for Mac PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 Excel for Mac 2011 PowerPoint for Mac 2011 More. Less You can reduce the file size and save disk space by compressing pictures in your document. It's said in some cases, this method can reduce the size of the file by up to 50%. 1) Click File and choose Save As in the tool bar. 2) Type a new file name, then click Save. Method 2 Compress PowerPoint pictures You can make the PowerPoint file size smaller by reducing the color format of the pictures (compressing).