How To Make A Script On Mac For Google Chrome


Chrome Extensions have access to powerful APIs above and beyond what's available on the open web. The chrome.* APIs documentation will walk through each API.

I feel your pain @mgshepherd, Chrome is a tricky beast. I used to run out a FirstRun file in a separate part of my provisioning script. The latest versions of Chrome respond very oddly to this file in my environment however. As of the release of Chrome 58 I only use the following in my preference JSON: 'skip_first_run_ui': true, -This doesn't work in isolation. I am also passing show_welcome_page=false in one of the config profiles below, please see @mgshepherd's post on his solution to suppress the first run window.

I toss it into the Distribution section of the previously posted JSON and it seems to be working. That being said I also lean of a couple of config profiles to get the full managed version of Chrome my school district requires. Basically, I do the following: 1. JSON to manage initial preferences *I apologize for not posting my full JSON, I used a default one that was easy to modify to get the effect requested as opposed to one I had to scrub of school related info, same goes for my full provisioning script 2. Config profile to whitelist an extension we use for SSO 3. Config profile we use to mandate no incognito mode 4. Config profile we use to mandate no password syncing 5.

I don't know what to do, but I need iPhoto. So I'm kind of stuck. Free iphoto download for mac os x. It seems ridiculous to get a whole new computer for just a single app, and one that I had before my hard drive failed!

Config profile we use to blacklist extensions that do not fit our network use guidelines. Opps, I spoke too soon. As I tested more using the 'metrics_reporting' in the Master Preferences file, it seemed to start ignoring it so I put it back into the Config Profile plist file to lock down this option. It is now suppressing the 'Welcome to Google Chrome' popup on first start.

If you're interested there's some good info about this from this guys post that pointed me in the right direction:

If you click on an email link (or mailto: link) on your Mac, the Mail app launches by default to compose your email. You can change this behaviour so that Gmail pops up in your browser instead for composing new emails. Here’s how you do it. Free online video cutter for mac. How to make Gmail your default mail “app” on Google Chrome • Open up Chrome • Log into your Gmail account at • Once you’re logged in, click on the service handler icon in your URL bar • A dialog box opens up.

Select “Allow” and then click “Done” There you have it! Now whenever you click on an email link in your Chrome browser, it will open up Gmail’s compose window instead of the Mac OSX’s Mail app. Give it a try.