Inventory And Sales Software For Small Business Mac
Small Businesses Inventory Management: Getting Started! Keeping track of inventory, updating it, and using that data to track profits, needs, and sales is a crucial part of any company, but for a small business, inventory software can make or break your ability to keep up with sales and demand. Inventory Control Software? One thing we understand: most small business owners “Inventory control software” and “inventory management software” usually point at the same thing. If you started out with OTS accounting software for Mac, you may be finding your options are limited.

Inventory is a powerful and easy-to-use inventory control software, specially designed for small and medium business, support multiple users. Minecraft for mac how to place items. FEATURES: - Issue sales invoice - Track customer information - Track vendor information - Receiving inventory - Transfer between warehouses - Adjust stock level - Advanced search options - Multiple taxes schema - Barcode support - Multiple Users with access permission - Multiple companies - Database backup & restore - Business reports and charts - Export reports to: Excel, Word, RTF and PDF - Live update.