Macos High Sierra For Mac 2013
That versions 15.34 and earlier are not supported, and you may not be able to launch the apps. You are advised to update to 15.35 or later, but even that’s no guarantee. Not all Office functionality may be available, and you may encounter stability problems where apps unexpectedly quit. During the beta period for macOS 10.13 High Sierra, no formal support is available for this Office configuration. We strongly recommend that you back up your existing data before trying the software. If you encounter issues using Office 2016 for Mac on High Sierra, please send us feedback so we can address them. The company also advises that support for the 2011 suite ends next month – including security updates.
All applications in the Office for Mac 2011 suite are reaching end of support on October 10th, 2017. As a reminder, after that date there will be no new security updates, non-security updates, free or paid assisted support options or technical content updates. Notes that Mac users of get second-class service from the company, offered only five years of security updates instead of the ten years given to Windows users, alongside often long-delayed porting of new features.
MacOS High Sierra introduces a new feature that requires user approval before loading new third-party kernel extensions. This feature will require To improve security on the Mac, kernel extensions installed with or after the installation of macOS High Sierra require user consent in order to load. Apple released the latest macOS, High Sierra, and added some new features including a new and improved Apple File System (AFPS), a faster browser, stellar graphics, better gaming capabilities and VR support. MacOS 10.13 is absolutely worthwhile to upgrade your Mac.
A little lock icon will show up for user password validation —just type in your password to authenticate and hit enter. You will be asked for permission to erase all the data on the drive.
Type the letter y, and hit enter. Terminal should now start copying the boot files to the USB drive. Once the process is complete, you can close the terminal, and eject the USB drive. Once your data is backed up, click the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen, and select Restart. Hold down Command+R, and keep holding the keys until your computer restarts and a loading bar shows up. After it's finished, click Disk Utility, then continue.
You are about to erase your system drive —make sure you have your backup! Select your startup disk, which is usually named Macintosh HD. Just formatting the drive won't do, as it will allow only APFS for SSD-based machines. Instead, hit Cancel and click Partition.
Change the format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled), and then click Apply. After it loads, click Install MacOS, and continue. Once you've read and agreed to Apple's terms and conditions, click on your main drive.
Which we assume is still called Macintosh HD, then click Install. Continue through all the pop-ups to begin the installation.Once the installation is complete, choose your language, and hit Continue to complete the rest of the installation process.
When complete, open the Mac App Store, and update to the latest macOS Sierra software —just make sure not to accidentally reinstall macOS High Sierra. This won't turn off notifications to upgrade to High Sierra, you'll still get those daily. Fortunately, they can be.