Epson R380 For Mac Sierra
Epson will provide macOS 10.13 High Sierra drivers and software for Epson products on an on-going basis. For additional support, see our macOS 10.13 High Sierra FAQs.
To resolve issues from your very own drivers, you should bear in mind all the types of this Printer program you may be possessing difficulties having (in case you are choosing to upgrade the actual Drivers in person, mainly for smart Driver change any Driver Upgrade Powerful resource will quickly realize the specific Driver for your needs). Once you have the essential points, you could seem the particular Printer internet site for the particular drivers and additionally, should readily available, download and set of these drivers.
I got this error message when I turned my printer on: 'A printer error has occured. Turn off the printer, then press On button to turn On. See your documentation'. I did take a look and they say to verify there is no paper jam, which is the case here and then to call the Epson support centre, what I did. The answer I got from the guy I spoke to is to send it to an authorized repair centre as there is nothing he could do over the phone.

It seems it is a mechanical problem, but I wondered how much the repair will cost (probably more than what I paid for the printer.), so the technician offered me a big $30 discount to buy a new printer on their website. Did someone get the same problem and fixed it?
If yes could you please tell me what you did? Many thanks in advance. Unfortunately, the above error locks you out of any of the all-in-one features, even ones that don’t involve the actual printer.
However, this little trick appears to have given new life to the Workforce. Open printer such that the cartridge housing is accessible (flip the scanner housing up). Turn printer off. While printer is off, gently slide cartridge housing to the left about halfway.
Turn printer on. After cartridge housing moves all the way to the right (which it will do on startup), gently push up and back on the housing and continue pressing/gently jiggling as the housing tries to free itself. Eventually, the housing will snap back to the left which will stop tripping the error message, and free you to use the scanner, copy, fax, etc.
This may even allow you to keep using the actual printer, although I haven’t tested! This took me a few tries, but eventually fiddling around with the cartridge housing while it was over on the right edge of the printer freed it enough for it to become “functional” again. No clue how long it will last, but prevents me from having a useless paperweight sitting on my home office shelf! On my printer nothing moves it just turns on and shows the error This occurred directly after I removed the print head to unclog 2 colors after a multitude of print head cleanings.
Reinstalled the print head, then I got a scanner error with a paper jam. Nothing in the scanner area. Restarted it and it told me to access the scanner paper feed sections and clear them out there was nothing there. Can you download os x on a pc to burn to a disk for a mac. I restarted it and it was doing a normal start but said it couldn't recognize the red cart, reseated it back into the tray.
Restarted then all carts could not be recognized! Reinstalled them it gave me a never ending general printer error shut down and restart.cleaned off all flat cable ends and inspected them for any folded tips all ends are perfect. Cleaned contacts where the ribbon cables connect to the boards and still nothing. Cleaned the chip contacts & pickups. Nada, unplugged all cables to printhead nada connected cables but no ink carts, then unplugged all printhead cables still same error. I just wanted to help anyone that might be having trouble and none of the other tries have worked.
Then you might try what I did. As a last resort.I have a All-In-One Epson printer. Turn printer off and while it's off.Hold down the 'black and white' print button, the 'color' print button and the 'Stop/Reset' button all at the same time, while holding all 3 buttons down, turn on the power button to turn the printer on. As I turned the power button on.I quickly released all 4 buttons at the same time! The printer started sounding normal again at start up.
I then did the head and nozzle and alignment and it seems to be working great agin! Kinda like a soft reset. Hope this helps anyone!:-). I did what Dennis Brown recommended.and it worked! On my EPSON SX515W. The key part was 'After cartridge housing moves all the way to the right (which it will do on startup), gently push up and back on the housing and continue pressing/gently jiggling as the housing tries to free itself.' It also happened after a cleaning operation I tried.now I hope to see the results.so I probably touched something I shouldnt have, or the cleaning fluid made some mechanical operation stiffer.