Excel For Mac Some Cells Will Not Right Align With Keyboard Shortcut


0018 Excel Shortcuts: How to Align Cells Cell Alignment isn’t just for the obsessive excel user, since it can singlehandedly make or break the overall presentation of a report. I’ve sat in on year end evaluation meetings before, trust me. Learn 200+ Excel shortcuts (Mac and PC) with this easily searchable list. Excel Shortcuts List for Mac and PC (Searchable) This App is not compatible with Smartphones and Tablets.

As the Answer in that thread stated, there is no built-in keyboard shortcut for that purpose. However, you cannot assign custom keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2016.

The other replies in that conversation apparently were from users of Excel for Windows. What they suggested merely was a roundabout way of getting into the command in the Ribbon. If you don't mind some personal advice:-) most experienced users of Excel recommend avoiding the use of merged cells altogether. Doing so can create all sorts of limitations, problems & even workbook corruption. If you're looking to center a title across a range of columns you're far better off to use the Center Across Selection feature found in the Format> Cells> Alignment dialog in the Horizontal alignment dropdown menu.

That method maintains the structural integrity of the worksheet. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J. Bob, that's not a helpful answer at all. The question was about a Word table, but your answer is about Excel. Your comment about merged cells not being useful is irrelevant. If we need to merge cells, then we need to merge cells, and Word provides a way to do it.

What's more, there is a shortcut key that opens the Split Cells dialog box. In Word versions before 2007, it was a single keystroke. Starting with 2007, that keystroke still works, but it is not shown anywhere in the interface. Every so often, my fingers remember where it is, and I press it.

But most of the time, I have to use four key presses to bring it up (Alt-release, J, L, P). Or (a) move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse, then (b) do 1 or 2 mouse clicks to display the Table Layout options, then (c) click Split cells, then (d) move my hand back to the keyboard.

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I never owned a Palm Pilot, but friends of mine did. Supposedly, at the height of its popularity there was a person on every project team at Palm whose job it was to count the stylus inputs required to accomplish every task. Their objective was to everything with just four presses. I sure wish Microsoft had put someone in charge of this task during the development of the Office Suite since 2006. My reply was to the January 21 question tacked on to the original posting by hollyneilson. Why the Community moderator retained the reference to Word in the Subject I have no idea, but this conversation has been in the Mac Excel forum since the day it was posted. Please reread that message & you'll see that the question expressly refers to Excel 2016.

That's why it was split from the original thread & illustrates just a few reasons why 'me too' messages should not be interjected as a Reply into another user's conversation. These Communities are not intended to serve as 'chat rooms'. Additionally, my 'comment' was not that merged cells are not useful. What I wrote is that merged cells are problematic in worksheets, and once again it was in reference to Excel. Word tables are not constructed or used in the same way, nor are they subject to the same issues. Further, it seems that you do not realize that this a Community for Mac Office, but your references appear to pertain to the Windows versions.