Os X Server How To Find Calendar Feeds For Users

You can set up a feed from your Teamup Calendar to other calendar applications such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or Apple’s iCal. This is achieved using iCalendar feeds. ICalendar feeds are read-only and provide a periodic automatic synchronization between the source calendar (Teamup) and a third calendar application. This article describes how to set up outbound iCalendar feeds from a Teamup Calendar to another calendar service, or to another Teamup Calendar. There are two basic steps: 1) obtain the iCalendar feed URL(s) from Teamup, and 2) configure the other calendar application to read the feed(s). Keep in mind that this is a one-way read-only synchronization.

Read more about. Please note that currently only the web interface of Teamup provides the iCalendar feed URLs. If you are using a Teamup mobile app, please open the Teamup calendar using a web browser before proceeding. How to get the iCalendar feed URLs Click the blue menu button in the top right corner of your calendar. Select Preferences > iCalendar Feeds: A list of sub-calendars will open with an iCalendar feed URL for each one. At the bottom of the list is an iCalendar feed URL for all sub-calendars.

Copy the URL you wish you use. Alternately, if you wish to create a feed for a selected set of sub-calendars, you can do so. Create a read-only link to the selected sub-calendars. Access the calendar through this link. Do i need quicktime 7 for mac to run final cut express 4. Then obtain the iCalendar feed URL for “All sub-calendars” and proceed. If the iCalendar Feeds menu item is not active in your menu, then this feature has been disabled for your calendar. Ask the administrator of your calendar to enable it.

How to add iCalendar Feeds to other calendar applications Each calendar application is a bit different. We do our best to keep this section updated with accurate instructions, but your experience may vary. To add the iCalendar feed from a Teamup calendar to another calendar service, paste the feed URL into the feed address field of the subscribing calendar service. For specific help, see the appropriate section: • • • • • • Apple iCal Subscribe 1. Open File, select New Calendar Subscription 2. Paste the URL you copied from your Teamup Calendar feed.


Oct 26, 2010 - Publish iCal Calendars Without MobileMe Or An OS X Server [Mac]. To iCal feeds allows you to watch other people's calendars relative to your schedule. Check the first box to automatically publish any changes made to.

Click Subscribe. On the next screen, edit the name and other details, such as auto-refresh frequency. To have iCloud push a Teamup Calendar feed to all your Apple devices, subscribe to it on your Mac (not on iPhone or iPad), and choose “iCloud” as the Location, as described. To change the update frequency on Mac OS: • Select the calendar in the sidebar and then choose Get Info from the Edit menu. • If you selected a subscribed internet calendar, you will see an Auto-refresh popup menu. • Select your desired refresh frequency from the Auto-refresh pop-up menu. • Click OK to save your changes.

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