Fred Add In Excel For Mac


1) DIR() returns error rather than null string, so trap it 2) rg.Find Searchformat named argument not found Same for ReplaceFormat 3) rg.Autofilter Help says “If you omit all the arguments, this method simply toggles the display of the AutoFilter drop-down arrows in the specified range.” Actually have to use worksheet.autofiltermode=false 4) References MISSING on Mac Microsoft Scripting Runtime Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library Microsoft ADO Ext 2.8 for DDL and Security I changed to late binding. 5) missing object iRibbonControl 6) Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) not available FileDialog does not exist, see for applescript equivalent. 7) shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = “.” -> argument not optional need to specify Characters(1,100) or whatever 8 ) Local:=true named argument not found Help web site doc on.Open is on RecentFile object, not Workbooks. 9) in QueryTables.Add.PreserveFormatting not found.RefreshPeriond no 10) GetSetting raises error 5 if key is not found, rather than returning nothing 11) UserForms cannot be modeless 12) GetSaveAsFilename on a Mac the filefilter is not working 13) CreatePivotTable does not allow xlPivotTableVersion10 14) Saveas FileFormat constants are 1 higher than Excel 2007. Best to use the xl* constants 15) I can’t see any UI way to sort a pivot table column by values. Range.sort always raises an error when sorting pivottable data but sorts anyway.

On a Mac go to the Window menu and then select freeze pane. I have Excel 2008 for Mac. The option “freeze panel” seems to be realy an option i can’t use. Do i need an upgrade?

RTE 1004 The specified dimension is not valid for the current chart type or Application-defined or Object-defined error Recorded Sort macro gets ExecuteExcel4Macro “(1,””R14C3″”,1,1,1)” which will not run – it needs SORT before the first bracket. That sorts a pivottable without throwing an error.

16) Powerpoint does not support shapes.pastespecial but it’s in the UI If I try.Paste I get msg in Excel “xlsx is already open reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded” even though all I did in Excel was a copypicture. Games for mac full. In fact the whole content is in the clipboard.

That’s enough for now!

Give up on the Add In in 2016, the dev never moved it past beta and it only works in 32-bit version 2011. The Mac version was deprecated and it's no longer developed or supported. In grahamperrin's first link you'll see that Excel 2016 has a bug related to how this add in works, on both OS platforms and not just in v. FWIW, the dev IMHO has pretty much stopped supporting desktop apps and has moved on to the iOS platforms - with all of the proxy, firewall, permissions issues on the desktop to get at that data I can see why they'd not want to deal with Excel on the desktop. I use my Air 2 to get at the FRED data, I moved on and that's my recommendation to you.

You could also get your hands on 2011 and use that version of Excel, but no guarantees. Give up on the Add In in 2016, the dev never moved it past beta and it only works in 32-bit version 2011. The Mac version was deprecated and it's no longer developed or supported. In grahamperrin's first link you'll see that Excel 2016 has a bug related to how this add in works, on both OS platforms and not just in v. FWIW, the dev IMHO has pretty much stopped supporting desktop apps and has moved on to the iOS platforms - with all of the proxy, firewall, permissions issues on the desktop to get at that data I can see why they'd not want to deal with Excel on the desktop. I use my Air 2 to get at the FRED data, I moved on and that's my recommendation to you. You could also get your hands on 2011 and use that version of Excel, but no guarantees.