Installing Minecraft Mods For Mac
I was trying to get the Minecraft mod 'Minecraft Is To Easy' (MITE) for Mac and can't get it to work. I tried following these steps, • I would download MITE, unzip the file. • paste the 1.6.4-MITE folder into the minecraft 'versions' folder. Usb sound cards for pc. • copy the version 1.6.4.jar into the 1.6.4-MITE folder, rename it to '1.6.4-MITE.jar'. • unarchive the 1.6.4-MITE.jar then paste the contents of the 'class' folder (that was was inside the 1.6.4-MITE folder) into the unarchived 1.6.4-MITE.jar and keep duplicates.
How To: Download and Install Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release on a Mac How To: Download and install the Millenaire mod for Minecraft 1.8.1 How To: Install the pistons mod for Minecraft beta 1.6 How To: Install the Flans Mod for Minecraft 1.8.1. Open mods folder, put any mod zip file that uses modloader as a base mod. For Base Mods: You need to edit the JAR of either Minecraft Forge or Modded Jar (refer to Vanilla instructions) then put copy the.class files.
• delete the META-INF folder. • turn the unarchived 1.6.4-MITE.jar back into a.jar using the terminal. Then I would run Minecraft and click 'Edit Profile' and change the version to 1.6.4-MITE and click play. Minecraft would run but nothing would be changed except that it was now running version 1.6.4, when it should of been running 1.6.4-MITE. Ok for your question all you have to do is follow my guide.
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