Lync For Mac How To Give Control


Updated 1/20/2018 – Corrected information on Office 2016 MSI supportability. Updated information on Skype for Business for Mac 2016.

Updated Skype Meetings App supportability. Updated mobility clients supportability. Updated 8/31/2017 – Updated information on Office 2016 MSI supportability.

Updated – Included updated information about client VBSS support and required versions. Included updated information about non-VBSS support scenarios. Included updated registry keys to disable VBSS in conference scenarios. Updated – Included updated information about Surface Hub VBSS support and information about LWA/SWA VBSS support Updated 7/15/2016 – Included updated information about LRS VBSS support, Surface Hub VBSS support, MCU VBSS Support and Office365 MCU VBSS Support, and MCU Bandwidth information Updated 6/9/2016 – Included information about Cumulative Updates for VBSS-related fixes Updated 2/12/2016 – Including information about disabling VBSS via registry keys If you’ve been following along with my blog, you may have noticed that I around application sharing a few months ago.

AppShare tends to be the ‘forgotten modality’, in my opinion, so the goal was to raise awareness around just how considerable the usage could impact enterprise networks. Knowing that video based screen sharing (VBSS) was coming down the pipeline, the intention was to come back and publish info on VBSS afterwards, but and published an article that took the wind out of my sails – we’ll hash out the differences over a beer when I’m back in Chicago, Jeff 😉 Note: While I was away on vacation, before me – again – but in his defense, if the roles were reversed then I would have done the same thing! Windows All a matter of timing 😉 I won’t attempt to completely re-invent the wheel given that Jeff’s post already has most of the info, but I’ll add some personal flavor to the discussion that will increase the available information out there and potentially fill in some gaps Background on VBSS vs RDP From OCS 2007 to the current Skype4B Server 2015 version, application sharing has been accomplished by using the RDP protocol for both peer to peer and multi-party communications. The biggest problem came down to performance of that RDP-based solution and the movement away from RDP to H.264UC within VBSS is a big step in overcoming the overall performance issues. Since VBSS uses H.264UC to actually encode the application sharing traffic and UDP as a network transport, it has essentially become a video-stream instead of the RDP/TCP session that was previously present. The improvements are noticeable but there more than a few issues to note as of current Where is VBSS available? Microsoft now has an official with information about where VBSS is available.