Microsoft Office 2016 For Mac Os X Yosemite
Why I did this. Unity visual studio for mac autocomplete not working. You should also REBOOT after installing.NET just to be sure. MonoDevelop Should be able to compile your scripts so if you get an error, it may be the same situation I had and also be tied to the AUTOCOMPLETE not working. I happened to hit the RUN button for my script in MonoDevlep and it gave me an error message that.NET 3.5 was not installed (even though I had.NET 4.6 installed) and even though UNITY was able to compile it after exiting MonoDevelop.
Fixed A meeting was sent as a forwarded attachment and this was repeated throughout the calendar 3500 times on the same day at the same time, then repeated monthly creating in excess of 35,000 Calendar entries for the year. Seems to be a bug in the MSoft Outlook in this particular use case.
Is there anyway to stop Microsoft Office 2016 on macOS prompting for update? And even worse, MacUpdate, there ARE NO 17.17.x Updater!! Office 2019 is. Office 2016 for Mac, which is free to all Mac users running OS X Yosemite during the preview period, is the next step in Microsoft's plan to make its Office products available anywhere, anytime.
Resolution is to delete the meetings manually by: 1. Running Outlook in Offline mode.
Changing to Calendar (very sluggish). Viewing the calendar in List Mode. Manually Deleting the repeated meetings and all the series of meetings 300 at a time (any more than 300 hangs outlook). Once the calendar is cleaned up, all back to normal.
Was your Mac connected to the internet when you installed Office 2016? If not, then you did not get the updates.
Word won't run if it hasn't been updated. The first thing to do is install the recent updates.
Make sure your Mac has a working internet connection, then: Update Mac OS X. Open the App store and click on the Updates button.
Install the updates. After, in any Office application go to the Help menu and choose Check for Updates to launch the AutoUpdate app. Let AutoUpdate install updates. I am an unpaid volunteer and do not work for Microsoft. 'Independent Advisors' work for contractors hired by Microsoft.
'Microsoft Agents' work for Microsoft Support.