Unity Visual Studio For Mac Autocomplete Not Working

April 11, 2015 How to use Visual Studio with Unity This is a quick quide on how to use Visual Studio with Unity. Visual Studio is only available for Windows, but a lot of Unity developers on Mac think it's so great they go through the hassle of using virtual machines just to use it. If you're wondering why you should switch from Mono Develop there's a section devoted to that further down. Install Visual Studio • Firstly, you'll want to go here and click 'Download' to download the tiny Visual Studio installer application. • Run the installer application. You can opt out of all the extras, I did.

We don't need any of them for Unity development. The installer claims that Visual Studio will use 8 GB split across all drives when you opt out of all the extras, but it still ate 10 GB of the drive I installed it to so keep that in mind. It's quite bloaty. • You may be asked to create a Microsoft account or log in with your existing one. This is probably not necessary, but I already have a Microsoft account which I use for my Xbox so I just logged in with that. This will apparently allow you to synchronize settings etc.

Across different computers. Not something I'll use. Now that Visual Studio is installed you can launch Unity.

Visual Studio Tools for Unity is a free Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio into a powerful tool for developing cross-platform games and apps with Unity. While the Unity editor is great for putting your game world together, you can't write your code in it.

Inside Unity go to 'Edit' => 'Preferences' => 'External Tools' in the menu bar. Browse for an external script editor and navigate to 'C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 Common7 IDE' and select 'devenv.exe'. Hopefully you'll never have to look at Mono Develop again. That's it, now you can edit your scripts in Visual Studio just like you would in Mono Develop. And if that was all that you wanted to do then you can close this tutorial and continue with your Unity project. But for those of you who want actual debugging there are still some steps left.

At the moment If you click 'Start debugging' (F5) inside Visual Studio you'll get an error. Obvisouly we want to properly debug our code as well. Quit Unity and Visual Studio, not sure if this is necessary, but let's just play it safe. We'll have to install a plugin for Visual Studio and Unity. Install Visual Studio Tools for Unity • Go and download the Visual Studio Tools for Unity.

Get the one that corresponds to your version of Visual Studio. I have Visual Studio 2013 so I chose the corresponding version of Visual Studio Tools for Unity. • Download the plugin. • Install the plugin. This should be a one click installation. Now you can launch Unity again, but this time go to 'Assets' => 'Import Package' and choose 'Visual Studio 2013 Tools' from the list. Doing this will properly configure this Unity project so that it can be debugged using Visual Studio. Quicktime player mac os x.

NB: This will automatically configure your external editor settings, meaning the manual setup we did earlier isn't necessary. I just did that to show you how you could set it up if you didn't want or need debugging. For any future projects you just have to import the plugin and you're done.

This can be done directly from the Unity launcher when you create the project. You'll need to import this into all the projects you want Visual Studio debugging for. A small price to pay in my opinion. Now that you've imported the Visual Studio for Unity plugin you'll notice that a 'Visual Studio Tools' menu item has appeared in the menu bar at the top. Best ancestry software for mac. This has some settings etc.

Unity Visual Studio For Mac Autocomplete Not Working

For the plugin. I haven't needed to touch these so I just left them alone. This plugin will make debugging inside Visual Studio work just as easily as it does inside Mono Develop. I'm assuming you already know how to debug your code so I won't go into that. However if you don't know, and you want to learn you can just ask me and I'll try to help you as best I can. There's also a lot of information available. Other features I also use are the Unity Project Explorer.