Visual Studio For Mac Server Explorer


ToolKit Languages: N/A ASP.NET Versions: 1.0 1.1 Visual Studio.NET Server Explorer Discover the power and convenience that this RAD tool can provide. By Ken McNamee As one of the most useful tools in Visual Studio.NET, the Server Explorer provides an enormous amount of information, design-time convenience, and run-time functionality. In fact, the Server Explorer is actually several tools in one. At its simplest level, it allows you to explore entities such as Event Log entries and database objects. The next level allows you to manage the server by starting and stopping Windows Services, creating database objects, and even changing data. The most advanced level of the Server Explorer provides the developer with programmatic access to some of the objects such as Event Logs, Performance Counters, Message Queues, Windows Services, and database tables, views, and stored procedures.

Jun 1, 2017 - Last month, Microsoft announced the release of Visual Studio for Mac: a. Will feel instantly at home with the familiar solution explorer and menu options. Visual Studio for Mac features first-class support for NuGet – the. Phoenix usb pro for mac. Here I add a new htm file and check in the change to TFS from Windows Explorer. Then if we go to Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio and check the history of the project, we can see the changeset I submitted from Windows Explorer.

Any description of the Server Explorer has to begin with its database management and programming capabilities, which can duplicate the features of SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer - almost. Server Explorer allows you to graphically create databases, tables, views, and stored procedures completely from within Visual Studio.NET. You can also edit and delete existing database objects. However, these management features pale in comparison to the power and convenience of its other features. For example, you can drag and drop a table from the Server Explorer onto a Web Form design surface and a slew of ADO.NET objects and code is created for you to enable programming against that table.

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A SqlConnection and SqlDataAdapter object are inserted into the code and SQL statements are generated for selecting, inserting, updating, and deleting from that table. Drag a stored procedure onto a Web Form and a SqlCommand object is generated along with all the ADO.NET code necessary to call the stored procedure. This feature can be a real timesaver since typing in the code for possibly dozens of SqlParameter objects can be a tedious and - more importantly - error-prone task. Like Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer, Server Explorer also allows you to retrieve all the data from a table and display it in an editable grid. You can also generate a 'create script' for any of the database objects and even create a database diagram. However, one of the most convenient aspects of these features is that almost all the windows that are generated appear as normal Visual Studio.NET tabbed windows. This makes it very easy to integrate the features of the tool with the rest of your development and switch between code-behind for a Web Form, a stored procedure creation script, and a table design window without having to switch development environments.