What's Better For Editing Pc Or Mac


Mac In regards to video editing, there was a time when video editors preferred a Mac computer over a PC. I’m sorry to break the news to you Apple enthusiasts, but it seems like both platforms are getting the job done equally well these days. Solved Better Processor for Video Editing: iMac 5K (Late 2015) vs Mac Pro (Late 2013)? Solved Should I get a Mac or a PC for Video Editing? Mac book pro 13' w/touch bar vs Asus GL702VM in video.

I've always worked on PC with Premiere but everyone keeps telling me to move to Final Cut Pro and get a mac everything will be more stable and fluid they say. I mean I like both, but i'm not quite sure what to get. I really don't have a budget as I'm still a student and my parents will pay for it plus what I already saved. But I'm working a lot now on short films and I wanna start doing YouTube.

Apparently Final Cut it's super fast and useful, and people keep telling me that I should work with both, use Final Cut Pro for YouTube vlogs and Premiere for real work like short films. I'm teaming with my best friend his dad is a filmmaker so he owns lot's of pro cameras and gear but I'm the one who actually know how to edit and work on post production. We want to work on big productions soon together. But I'm still with this dillema. Should I get a Mac Pro (hopefully if they announce a new one this upcoming year). Or build a really great PC with a 12 core Xeon or a 6950X and add two Titan XPs in SLI or something crazy like that. What will it be better for me.

Are there any advantages on Mac OS for Premiere, Media Composer or any editing software (except final cut pro cause obviously it's only for mac), in means of performance? I need to use DaVinci Resolve too, will it be more fluid and stable in Mac or in PC? Should I move completely to Final Cut and live Premiere. Though I think After Effects is amazing. I'm not sure what to do. Should I leave the Adobe ecosystem and get some other options though I'm never leaving Photoshop. Filmmaking includes music production too.

I work with Pro Tools. Are there differences on working on Mac and PC? Plus I use Autodesk software some of it only runs on Windows.

But there is bootcamp and because Apple is moving to Thunderbolt 3 now I could get the Razer Core and use a Titan XP on bootcamp to work on Maya, 3ds Max, AutoCAD and Revit as I'm studing architecture, but my main focus is filmmaking. Finally I game too.

What better for photo editing mac or pc

I mean as I said before I can add a Titan XP through a Thunderbolt 3 port. Should I get a Mac Pro (if they release a new one) or build a crazy PC? Macally 103 key full-size usb wired keyboard for mac. Thank you for your help.

Why doesn't code blocks work on the mac app for evernote mac. Well, it seems that you keep asking the same questions over and over again. However, Macs are only good because of the optimization for the hardware itself. I would always recommend building a computer to handle the Adobe ecosystems. I am in love with it, and will never go back. Premiere, PhotoShop, and After Effects is amazing when worked together. A lot of big budget movies were rendered using Adobe.