Multiple Microsoft Users Onenote For Mac


Hi Brad, Yes I can confirm that this is currently not supported on Mac OneNote. We do look for feedback on which features to add in so please let us know which ones are most important. Thanks, Chris OneNote team Thanks Chris, appreciate the update. As an FYI, we just released an update to Mac OneNote with some new features. We will continue to add new features.

Much welcome features as far as I am concerned. Drag and drop was the biggest sore point as IMVHO and I'm glad to see it now supported. (though I realize that most of the features listed in this thread are not yet supported — but I find that the fact that this update came out fairly fast after the initial release a good sign for the future). Corentin — MVPs do *not* work for MS Les MVP ne *travaillent pas* pour MS. First of all I am really excited that finally there is a Mac version of OneNote.

A fully featured cross platform version will definitely make me stick with OneNote in the future. Also I wouldn't mind paying for a fully featured version of OneNote for Mac! Some other people here have already mentioned features, they would like to see in OneNote for Mac. I would like to add what is important for me to work productive with OneNote: 1. Display Notebooks permanently in left sidebar.

When I work with OneNote, I switch a lot between different section groups and notebooks. Therefore I need to have them available at a single click all the time.

Right now I have to open the notebooks 'dropdown' to display all the notebooks before I can do that. This might not seem like a big deal, since it only adds a single click to my workflow, but if I have to do that a lot, it gets incredible annoying very quickly! Also I noticed that it is possible to pin the notebooks to the left border of OneNote in the free version on Windows, so I hope this will follow soon on Mac.

Opening multiple OneNote Windows. Often I need to have multiple notes open at the same time (like multiple pieces of paper) to get an overview or to compare something side by side or whatever. Maybe this is already possible and I just haven't figured it out. Moving sections and section groups. This has already been mentioned by other people. The ability to easily reorganize content is a major advantage of a note taking software over a paper based solution. Android oreo emulator mac.

For example the scope of the project might change and then I need my note taking software to allow me to reflect that change in the structure of my notes as easy as possible. If the 'refactoring' of my notes takes a long time, that kills my productivity! A lot of times, when I do research for a project on the internet, I stumble upon information (text) that is 'trapped' in pictures. In OneNote on Windows (even in the free version!) I can easily copy the text on a picture via the context menu. So again, this feature is already available on Windows, therefore it should be possible to also have it on Mac. I am aware that this does not seem like a big feature, but it saves a lot of time, when I don't have to type a paragraph of text that is only available as image.

Sometimes small things like this can increase productivity a lot! That said I would be glad to help out any way I can, to make these features happen!

The Windows version allows multiple OneNote windows to be open with the use of ctrl + M. However the Mac version doesn't have this function at all, which is a great shame as having, simultaneously, two windows open can greatly enhance productivity.

(Maybe users are needed for testing or anything like that.). Hey @BradRevell, While one window is still the case, I LOVE using (check it out on the Mac App Store) to fake up a second instance of OneNote. What Fluid does is house a webpage in a separate app-like window, so while you're actually just loading a web ui version in it, as long as you have internet access, it is like having a second OneNote window open. You can also make multiple instances of the Fluid app or have multiple tabs in the window to have more and more OneNote windows open at once.