Mac Os X How Can I See My Router 2017


I recently switch wireless service at home to At&t. Since, my computer 'connects' to my network, accepts my password, and shows full signal, but when I open Safari, or any other app that requires internet, I just get the 'failed to open page because you are not connected to the internet' page. My roommates connect to use our wireless network with their PC's just fine, and my Mac connects to other wireless service at school and work and works just fine. I have been on the phone with At&t many times trying to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

How To Fix WiFi Connection Problems in Mac OS X Lion. The first thing to do when you're experiencing WiFi problems is to check and validate your network.

Apple charged me $49 to talk to them, with no success. I HAVE ALREADY TRIED RESTARTING both my Mac and my router, I have reset the router, I have restored original settings in both Safari and my router, I have tried removing the security from our network in order to connect without a password, I have tried re-configuring the router to work with Macs.all no success. I am very frustrated with the situation as I, like most people, require internet access for both school and work. Any help, tips, or advice on the situation would be grateful. Same problem.

Like often happens when a Mac quirk shows up I just wasted hours of my life and finally got it to work. I'll share the steps I took. First it worked two days ago at the same coffee shop, the only thing that had changed was the password, however no matter how many times I entered the password in the different forms. All I got was a not connected. Due to the 'self assigned IP address' message. I attempted the tricks that people posted here: 1) Turned off and back on the wi fi. Nothing 2) restarted the computer.

Nothing 3)I went into System Preferences > under TCP/IP I changed the Configure IPv4 to 'Using DHCP Manually' and used an IP address close to the one from my other mac which was connected just fine. Almost nothing. The green light went on and it said connected under wi fi in the left panel of the preferences. But no actual connection 4) I changed the Manual IP address to Match my working Connected Mac. Almost nothing.

The green light again went on and it said connected under 'wi fi' in the left panel of the preferences. But no actual connection 5) I deleted 'Wi Fi' from the left panel and recreated it using the + and - buttons on the bottom of the left pane and hit renew DHCP address, but it recreated the same 162. IP as before and still not working 6) I changed the from a 162. Nothing 2) I hit Renew DHCP Lease. Nothing same IP. How to install new fonts in ppt 15.38 for mac youtube. Here's what finally worked: Again in System Preferences>Network> I turned Wi-Fi off, Went to Advanced>TCP/IP>Configure IPv4 and changed it to off, hit 'OK', Highlighted Wi-Fi in the left column, hit the - sign on the bottom left, deleting it, then hit the + and created it. I got a message saying there is no assigned IP address so I went back into >advanced>TCP/IP and turned on Using DHCP, Hit 'Renew DHCP Lease' and it finally created a brand new IP address 10.


And if finally F'n worked. Jeez Apple get it together. This is a ridiculous problem. I hope my struggles actually help someone. I have one of the newest generation of Macbooks and started having this problem earlier this week with my school network. I just solved it (seemingly stupidly) and would like to offer my solution just in case it might help anyone. What I did was as follows: Open: System Preferences>>Network At the left, there should be a pane listing ways in which your computer connects to the internet (Ethernet, VPN, AirPort, etc.) At the bottom of this pane there are (+)(-)(cog) buttons that correspond to (add method)(remove method)(other options dropdown) Highlight: Airport and hit - to remove.