Do Pivot Tables Work On Excel For Mac

Highlight the cell where you'd like to see the pivot table. In this example, we've selected cell A1 on Sheet2. Next, select the Data tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Click on the PivotTable button and select Create Manual PivotTable from the popup menu. PivotTables are one of the most powerful features of Microsoft Excel. Working with Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel. Mark Virtue March 22, 2010. It should work with all versions of Excel from 97 onwards. How to increase the size of the window for chrome on mac book. Download Our Practice Excel Workbook. GET HELP ON OUR FORUM.

After 2 days of research, I found it. The 3rd answer works: How to unpivot a table in Mac Excel 2011: • Press: Command + Alt + P to bring up the Pivot Table wizard • Choose the 3rd option 'Consolidate Multiple Ranges' • Choose 'I will define my page fields' • Select the whole table and add it to the ranges • Click finish (to create the pivot table in a new sheet or existing sheet) • The pivot table will look like your original table at this point • Go to the lower-right corner cell, and double click it. Voila, you have your flat unpivoted table.